效率(Efficiency): DOP 99%、99.99%、99.999% at 0.3um
标准(Standard): EN1822,Class H11/H13/H14
使用环境 Operating Conditions
Continuous Temp(Two Temperature Level):
250℃(480℉) and 300℃(570℉)
应用场所 Applications
1. 高温涂装线 (High temperature paint spray line.)
2. 洁净烘烤间 (High clean baking booth.)
3. 净化烤箱 (High purified baking box.)
4. 食品烘焙设备 (Food baking booth or room.)
5. 高温******设备,例如:制药厂高温******设备 (Use with high temperature equipments to kill the germ
or virus, such as pharmaceutical factory.)
6. 其它防火要求高或通风温度较高的通风空调系统. (Ventilation system with high fire resistant
requirement and high temperature operating environment.)
联系电话: 0451-84300411 手机: 18745772989王经理
友情链接: 圣迈净化
版权所有:哈尔滨天使净化工程有限公司 备案号:黑ICP备11000811号-1
技术支持: 龙采科技集团